国内産(香川県丸亀市周辺)の竹の骨を使用し、1本1本が職人さんの手により仕上げられた純国産品の手づくりうちわです。 丸亀市は江戸時代初期から続く、生産量や形の多様さなどを誇る日本一のうちわの産地です。
Size: Approx.355×180mm
This Uchiwa is made from a giant timber bamboo grown in Kagawa Prefecture and the leaves are made of Japanese Awa washi paper.
As the largest Japanese Uchiwa fan producer, it has been recognized for its production capacity and various designs since the Edo period.
In 1997, Marugame Uchiwa fans were registered as Japanese Traditional Crafts by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.